Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Middle School Students Make Art in the Preserve: Footage of Final Project

Ms. Burkus’ period H eighth grade art class, completed the final installment of a temporary art installation in the Preserve. The project started with seeing artwork by Andy Goldsworthy — http://www.ucblueash.edu/artcomm/web/w2005_2006/maria_Goldsworthy/TEST/index.html — and then experimenting with different found materials in the Preserve.

After four classes of brainstorming and reflecting on different solutions, the students worked as a group to create the following piece, in which students made chains of leaves woven together with the leaves stems.

Final Project Outcome:

Ms. Burkus believes that this experience allowed her students to practice problem-solving skills, and offered a different viewpoint from which to consider art.

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