Thursday, October 11, 2012

Sculpture Students Drop Their Eggs!

...with a little help from their Davinci inspired flying machines!

Leonardo, born in Vinci, Italy, possessed a genius which went far beyond simply being a remarkable artist. He was, perhaps, the first European interested in a practical solution to flight. Leonardo designed a multitude of mechanical devices, including parachutes, and studied the flight of birds as well as their structure. About 1485 he drew detailed plans for a human-powered ornithopter (a wing-flapping device intended to fly). There is no evidence that he actually attempted to build such a device, although the image he presented was a powerful one.

Students in the 2D-3D class created flying machines inspired by Leonardo's work designed to protect an raw egg  when dropped from the dropped from the Green roof at GA. The results were nothing short of breath taking....

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