Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Katrinna Whiting '09 stops by GA to share stories….

...of life as an artschool student.

Katrinna Whiting currently a senior at Maryland Institute College of Art  studying graphic design, swung by the studios to chat with Amy Zhang and Jackie Lawlor about the artschool experience. After some initial second thoughts about taking the art school route, Katrinna is now incredibly happy. At first she missed the liberal arts well- rounded approach to academics, but once she got into her  major fully, she said  she  realized there are different and equally valid types of knowledge…. “I love MICA-it’s known as the Harvard of the art school world. They value risk taking and have totally prepared me for the world beyond college. I have already been approached with job offers. Right now I am working with the Baltimore mayor’s office on a social design campaign that focuses on inner city development and renewal”. Equally valuable to Katrinna has been MICA’s relationship to Johns Hopkins University. She has been able to take a class for free every semester and has taken advantage of that by studying calculus and a class that explores and utilizes “ArcGIS” a program that combines design, statistical data  and geographic information systems.

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