Friday, December 6, 2013

Dave Love Hosts Print Making Workshop for Area Educators

Dave Love is a a founding member of PLP-Prints Link Philadelphia, a group dedicated to nurturing the art of printmaking in young people. The members come from all over the region and provide an interesting cross section of educational institutions- private, charter and public schools and  diverse  ages from K-12. Love is Coordinating of  Professional Development charged with discovering educational opportunities for member teachers and sponsoring workshops to expose the members to new techniques and processes. These workshops are not only beneficial for teachers in that they expand their curricular options, but also keeps the teachers involved in the act of making art. The most recent PLP worksop was held here at GA. An upcoming exhibit at Tyler School of Art in March, features work from all the member institutions and teachers. Love reports "PLP has always made exhibiting part of its mission – and its just one of the reasons why  I love working with the group."

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