Sunday, November 15, 2015

This is Art: PreK Collagesm Discussions, and Earthworms

Pre-K artists are learning how to create in a unique place—an art studio. Their first activities have been about the process of creating art: How can an artist use line, color, and shape to create? How do artists solve problems? Where does your artwork go when it is finished? How can artwork make you feel?

 Their first projects focused on the element of line. After reading Patrick McDonnells’ picture book This is Art, students painted as many different lines as they could in primary colors and created themselves as collages by ripping, cutting, and gluing paper shapes. They also practiced looking at and responding to artwork; Pre-Kers had a variety of responses to a painting by Franz Kline such as “It makes me nervous” or “It makes me want to make art!” Pre-K artists made their own line compositions by dropping and gluing strips of black construction paper on their background. Recently, tying in with their study of earthworms in science, Pre-K decorated earthworm shapes by dropping and/or placing lines of yarn. Next, they will be creating a mural showing their worms’ connected underground tunnels!

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